English Daily

August 10, 2010


Filed under: Travel — evanirpavloski @ 9:35 pm

What is it?

WWOOF is a world wide network –  It started in the UK in 1971 and has since become an international movement that is helping people share more sustainable ways of living.

WWOOF is an exchange – In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

WWOOF organisations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

How does it work?

WWOOF organisations publish lists of organic farms, smallholdings and gardeners that welcome volunteer help at certain times. The diversity of hosts available offers a large variety of tasks and experiences.

Volunteer helpers (“WWOOFers”) choose the hosts that most interest them and make direct contact to arrange a stay. Volunteers usually live as part of the family.

WWOOF volunteers do not pay for their stay.

WWOOF hosts do not pay volunteers for their help.

WWOOF organisations usually charge a small fee to hosts and volunteers. This fee helps maintain and develop the WWOOF network.

There are many WWOOF organisations around the world, but there is no single WWOOF membership that covers all countries.

more information at http://www.wwoof.org/

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